
Patient Friends Society - Jerusalem Body Wrapper

The Will is Healing…

  • Nahida Adileh
    Nahida Adileh
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“The will is healing.” These four simple words have become my guiding light throughout my remarkable journey of triumph over cancer. My name is Nahida Adileh, and I am honored to share my story of resilience and hope with all of you. As a 68-year-old grandmother with four sons and two daughters, I was confronted with the harsh reality of breast cancer in 2000. Little did I know that this diagnosis would catalyze my unwavering determination to overcome the odds.

When I heard those life-altering words, “You have cancer,” I made it my mission to raise awareness among women about the transformative power of early detection. Armed with knowledge and a burning desire to make a difference, I embarked on a journey to empower others to take control of their health. I firmly believe that knowledge is the foundation of strength, and by sharing my experience, I aspire to inspire others to act, to advocate for themselves, and to detect cancer in its early stages when it is most treatable.

Yet, my path was not without its challenges. While the physical pain took its toll, the overwhelming sadness and well-intentioned compassion from those around me tested my resolve. As a cancer patient, I yearned for psychological solace, a space to heal without the weight of others’ expectations. My sincerest wish is that society recognizes the need for unwavering support and understanding for individuals battling this disease. Together, we can alleviate the emotional burden and create an environment where healing can flourish.

Then, in 2013, fate dealt another blow—I was diagnosed with tongue cancer. But I refuse to be defined by my diagnosis. The will within me grew stronger, fueled by my family’s love and unwavering support. My steadfast determination to lead a stable life with my loved ones became an unbreakable bond, giving me the strength to confront this new challenge head-on.

Together, we can alleviate the emotional burden and create an environment where healing can flourish.

Beyond my personal journey, I carry a profound hope within my heart for a future where cancer is conquered. I dream of a world where a cure is found, where this merciless disease no longer tears families apart. The advances in medical science give me faith that we are on the precipice of significant breakthroughs. With every passing day, I believe we are one step closer to witnessing the eradication of cancer and the birth of a new era, where joy and health prevail.

“The will is healing,” and these words resonate deep within my soul. They are a constant reminder that strength can be found even in the most daunting circumstances. Through my story, I strive to inspire and empower others to tap into their own reservoirs of inner strength, to harness the power of their wills to heal, and to rise above adversity.

In conclusion, I am Nahida Adileh, a living testament to the incredible power of the human spirit. Let us embrace “The will is healing” as our shared mantra. Let us stand united, amplifying awareness, spreading hope, and offering unwavering support to those on their own journeys of resilience. For it is through our collective efforts that we can pave the way for a brighter, healthier future—a future where the will to heal becomes a beacon of triumph over cancer.

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